Not that these dragon-kin are wanting for power in human form. "You're going to lose a bit of Harmony, but you've got a big Dragon on the battlefield-there's a risk-reward strategy to it." "In human form, the Lords have massive Harmony amplifiers, but if you see a greater demon on the battlefield, then you'll probably want to attack it as a dragon," lead writer Andy Hall tells me. When my inner child asks the developers why one wouldn't keep them in dragon form all the time, it once again returns to the theme of Harmony. These two children of the Celestial Dragon Emperor can switch at will in battle between human and dragon form. The clear standouts are the two Legendary Lords, the Storm Dragon and Iron Dragons Miao Ying and Zhao Ming. They make quick work of the peasant troops manning the walls, though I rightly suspect that Cathay has more military tricks up its sleeve than these expendable farmers in sandals, rice hats and headbands. Back on the battlefield, the Tzeentch aerial forces make their move-flying purple stingrays called Screamers and Doom Knights, aerial cavalry that surfs through the skies aboard magically propelled hoverboards.